Executive courses

Executive courses

Executive courses Executive courses

Business Strategy and Marketing Management

  • Start/End date

    07.07.2025 - 24.07.2025

  • Duration

    3 weeks

  • Recipients

    Undergraduates, graduates and young professionals

  • Language


7th - 24th July 2025

​in cooperation with IBS - International Business School of São Paulo​​

Three intensive weeks to offer a very practical look at the best practices to strength the brand image in consumers’ minds and to reflect upon the usage of emerging models to design new marketing strategies to be developed applicable in different industries. Top international brands reach authentic, iconic and global status thanks to strategic, long-term product, branding and customer management decisions. Participants will experience how to use marketing tools to build strong and enduring businesses and gain new insight into the importance and value of a strongly differentiated brand. This knowledge and skills can be immediately applied to leverage your brand for increased customer loyalty, competitive advantage and profitability. Strong brand examples from Italy and all over the world will be presented in order to provide an international perspective.

Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on business strategies and marketing management, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.
The strong applicability of the course will allow participants to analyze major current highlights regarding new consumer habits worldwide, comparing approaches in a multicultural class, where the ability to effectively interact with people from all over the world and carry on team works reaching successful results, will be fostered.
The core program is complemented by the possibility to participate in two optional study tours, respectively to the World Trade Organization in Geneva and to the Fashion District of Milan.

  • Objectives

    This intensive program is addressed to  undergraduate, graduates and young professionals interested in Business Administration and motivated to broaden their knowledge, upgrade their job-related skills and boost their career. It aims to transfer the latest issues affecting branding and brand management, while developing the comprehension and capabilities of how brands create value, how to create and sustain strong brands, create competitive brand positioning, learn the key tools and techniques for managing a portfolio of brands, develop a more informed perspective on global branding, and how to capitalize on the ever-expanding world of new media. The brand management part is complemented with: definition of industry boundaries; characteristics to be accounted for when evaluating the potential profitability of different businesses; evolution of the industry’s competitive scenarios; advantages and disadvantages of the basic competitive strategies; pathways to strategic innovation.

    A last part of the program aims to underline the most important focus points useful to design new marketing strategies to be developed in different industries, and retail key trends to better understand what could be the new competitive arena in the near future to catch and satisfy the new customers’ needs.


  • Program

    Business strategies for luxury and specialty goods
    Introduction to strategy and business models
    The concept of competitive advantage
    Industry Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces
    Differentiation vs. Cost strategies
    Analytical tools for competitive strategy
    SWOT Analysis, Resources & Capabilities Framework

    Brand Management
    Modern Brand Management concepts
    Codes of the Luxury industry. Signs, Symbols, Lifestyle
    Characteristics and development of a luxury goods brand. Creating emotions, experience
    Anti-laws of luxury marketing. Building brand identity
    Increasing Equity through Brand extensions. Entering the dream
    The Licensing lifecycle. Timing, Coherency, Re-investment
    Benchmark Brand Case Study: Luxury takes time to develop
    Current Luxury brand management practices: Co-Branding, Merchandising, New categories

    Retail and distribution management
    TradingUp vs.TradingDown
    The modern revolution of Low Cost products and services
    How we Buy: Men, Women, Baby Boomers and Kids
    Worldwide retail trends and distribution channels
    The 3 pillars of a perfect shop
    Merchandising, Location&Store Design, Personnel & Point-of-Sale Management
    The example of Fashion shops
    Creativity management.

  • Teaching methods

    The program features 48 hours of lectures and 40 hours of practical didactic activities, inclusive of company visits and project works. Activities are scheduled from Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.
    The didactic methodology is of an active type, oriented to an effective involvement of participants, who are engaged in practical activities, teamwork, discussion of business cases, simulations and exercises, in order to effectively transmit and practice what have been learnt day by day.

  • Fee and scholarships

    The tuition fee is € 6,100.00 + 22% VAT.

    Tuition fee with scholarship awarded: € 2,300.00 + 22% VAT
    Award criteria: first come first served basis
    Number of scholarship available: 15
    Deadline for application: 2025, June 23th.


  • Contacts

    International Projects staff
    Phone number: 0444 333860
    E-mail address:

Request information

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