Company Controller
Language: Italian
07.07.2025 - 24.07.2025
3 weeks
Undergraduates, graduates and young professionals
7th - 24th July 2025
in cooperation with IBS - International Business School of São Paulo
Three intensive weeks to offer a very practical look at the main aspects related to entrepreneurship and the strategic development of a company and its business model, presenting Italian and International cases. The role of creativity and innovation in defining the strategy is nowadays crucial to stand out and face the competition. To get a general understanding of the different aspects of innovation, theories and basic methods in managing innovation will allow participants to be able to better manage projects of innovation. Understanding the upcoming innovative trends in different scenarios, knowing the right creative technique for several different situations, will enhance the abilities of participants to lead innovation processes inside or outside their organizations.
Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on creativity and innovation management and business modeling, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world. Additionally, participants will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capabilities
The core program is complemented by the possibility to participate in two optional study tours, respectively to the World Trade Organization in Geneva and to the Fashion District of Milan.
A multicultural class will foster the ability to effectively interact with people from all over the world, to carry on team works reaching successful results, to create network and redefine boundaries, and to enjoy a multicultural experience in Italy.
This intensive program is addressed to undergraduates, graduates and young professionals interested in Business Administration and motivated to broaden their knowledge, upgrade their job-related skills and boost their career. It aims to give participants the competencies to define a strategic plan for a new business, to analyse internal resources of a firm, the features of the external environment in which firms compete, to design a business model and its elements, and to discuss business model innovation, developing creativity spirit in the managerial context and leading innovation processes inside or outside an organization.
Entrepreneurship and business models
What is “strategy” and the main steps in order to develop a strategic plan
External analysis for strategic planning
Internal analysis for strategic planning
What is a “business model” and how can it be defined
What are the elements of a business model: how to design business model
What is business model innovation: how to recognize when it is relevant and how to carry it on.
Innovation management
The relationship between innovation and competition
Types of product innovation and level of complexity
The Stage and Gate model, how to design and introduce it in an organization
Product concept and concept test
Organizing innovation: managing team
Importance of speed: how to reduce the lead time of innovation
Selected examples and case studies.
Creativity: a methodological approach
Paradigm and paradox
Mental map
Brain writing
10 verbs
Business sectors
Multilevel production
Selection of the idea
Presentation of the ideas.
The program features 48 hours of lectures and 40 hours of practical didactic activities, inclusive of company visits and project works. Activities are scheduled from Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.
The didactic methodology is of an active type, oriented to an effective involvement of participants, who are engaged in practical activities, teamwork, discussion of business cases, simulations and exercises, in order to effectively transmit and practice what have been learnt day by day.
The tuition fee is € 6,100.00 + 22% VAT.
Tuition fee with scholarship awarded: € 2,300.00 + 22% VAT
Award criteria: first come first served basis
Number of scholarship available: 15
Deadline for application: 2025, June 23th.
International Projects staff
Phone number: 0444 333860
E-mail address: int@cuoa.it
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
6 days
Language: Italian
Brand Ambassador of Made in Italy
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
5 days
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian