Company Controller
Language: Italian
07.07.2025 - 24.07.2025
3 weeks
Graduates and young professionals
07th - 24th July 2025
in cooperation with IBS - International Business School of São Paulo
Three intensive weeks to offer a very practical look at the challenges today’s globally mobile leaders face, from both a rational and emotional perspective.
The activities using cases, simulations, video documentaries and dramatisations will provoke reflection on what responses are needed to be a leader in today’s global operating context.
Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on international management and leadership tools, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.
Additionally, participants will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capacities.
The core program is complemented by the possibility to participate in two optional study tours, respectively to the World Trade Organization in Geneva and to the Fashion District of Milan.
A multicultural class will foster the ability to effectively interact with people from all over the world, to carry on team works reaching successful results, to create network and redefine boundaries, and to enjoy a multicultural experience in Italy.
The program is addressed to undergraduates, graduates and young professionals interested in Business Administration and motivated to broaden their knowledge, upgrade their job-related skills and boost their career.
This intensive program in Italy aims to give participants the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and to master specific competences in business negotiations and intercultural management in an international environment. At the same time, participants will directly get in contact with and have a practical insight into the Italian socio-economic environment, where a wealth of clusters and districts of SMEs have gained worldwide reputation through diffuse entrepreneurship, internationalization and technological innovation.
The course gives participants the mindset, the approach, the methodologies and the tools to manage people and projects in a super-V.U.C.A. world, acquiring specific intercultural communication, negotiation and bargaining skills that are therefore vital for any leader defining and implementing international development strategies, planning entry and distribution strategies in international markets, identifying and developing international Strategic Alliances and Partnerships in this new global and competitive scenario.
Strategic leadership
Assess leadership capabilities through team and individual exercises and role plays
Being able to apply new management rules, consistent with the new economic, social, human trends
Learn and apply keys for effective people management independently from the culture of counterparts
Learn and apply strategic thinking
Find new ways to profile the deep needs of their counterparts
Apply an effective model to test and improve their leading capabilities
Develop a start-end Leadership Project.
Business negotiation and conflict resolution
Understand how to prepare for an International negotiations.
Understand the informal organization and how to influence the different players.
Understand the different styles of communication, perception of time and risk.
Learning how to mediate international disputes and issues.
Intercultural management
Understand at both an emotional and rational level how cultural differences can impact on mutual perceptions of trustworthiness, credibility and the achievement of business objectives.
Build a deeper understanding and appreciation of differences in approaches to team-working and also how to manage these differences in order to achieve better results
Awareness of different approaches to ‘effective’ communication when managing team members at a distance and across cultures.
Gain new insight into themselves as a potential leaders as well as the challenges and responses of practising leaders operating outside of their familiar cultural context
To know what your preferred influencing style is and then influence others more ‘strategically’ through your approach to communication.
The program features 48 hours of lectures and 40 hours of practical didactic activities, inclusive of company visits and project works. Activities are scheduled from Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.
The didactic methodology is of an active type, oriented to an effective involvement of participants, who are engaged in practical activities, teamwork, discussion of business cases, simulations and exercises, in order to effectively transmit and practice what have been learnt day by day.
The tuition fee is € 6,100.00 + 22% VAT.
Tuition fee with scholarship awarded: € 2,300.00 + 22% VAT
Award criteria: first come first served basis
Number of scholarship available: 15
Deadline for application: 2025, June 23th.
International Projects staff
Phone number: 0444 333860
E-mail address: int@cuoa.it
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
6 days
Language: Italian
Brand Ambassador of Made in Italy
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
5 days
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian