Executive courses

Executive courses

Executive courses Executive courses

Operations, Logistics and Lean Management

  • Start/End date

    07.07.2025 - 24.07.2025

  • Duration

    3 weeks

  • Recipients

    Undergraduates, graduates and young professionals

  • Language


7th - 24th July 2025

in cooperation with IBS - International Business School of São Paulo​​

Three intensive weeks to offer a very practical look at how globalisation and digitalization of sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution activities require effective (re-)design and efficient operations of logistics & supply chain management processes. The ability to maintain a smooth, constant and efficient flow of goods and services to industry and society represents a key competitive advantage: daily challenges in terms of processes, organisation and costs optimization are analysed in the course, with case studies, simulations, and multi-media learning materials providing a rich, relevant and practical experience with real-world application.
Participants will be provided with the most important lean tools that are used to create flow. Office and service environment will be evaluated and different mapping tools will be introduced.

Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on operation, logistics and lean management, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world. Additionally, participants will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capacities.

The strong applicability of the program and the comparison in a multicultural class will allow participants to foster their ability to effectively interact with people from all over the world, to carry on team works reaching successful results, to create network and redefine boundaries, while enjoying a multicultural experience in Italy.
The core program is complemented by the possibility to participate in two optional study tours, respectively to the World Trade Organization in Geneva and to the Fashion District of Milan.

  • Objectives

    This intensive program is addressed to undergraduates, graduates and young professionals interested in Business Administration and motivated to broaden their knowledge, upgrade their job-related skills and boost their career. It aims to develop essential skills in Logistics, Operations, and quality control using, as a reference, the concept of Lean Manufacturing (Toyotism) applied to factories and services. During the program, planning concepts to support strategic, tactical and operational decisions are presented and participants will also learn fundamentals of Lean Thinking from its origins throughout TPS, being involved in a deeper view of Value Stream Mapping, the fundamental tool upon which the strategic transformation plan is based.


  • Program

    Logistics and operations for Global businesses - Logistics and supply chain management
    Defining a comprehensive logistics chain
    From Logistics to supply chain
    Market trends in terms of supply chain management
    The impact of globalisation on the supply chain (SC)
    The role of IT in the Supply Chain
    Forrester Effect

    Logistics and operations for Global businesses - Operations and warehouse management
    Objectives & Types Of Warehousing: materials management; purpose and objectives of warehousing; warehousing imports; causes and costs of delay; shipment, specification, packaging, documentation
    Functions Of Warehousing: identifying, inspecting & receiving goods; storing goods; storage control; handling goods; order selection and issue; packaging & dispatch; damaged & obsolete goods; maintaining equipment
    Planning, Building & Design Of Warehouses: planning a new warehouse; storage needs; storage costs; feasibility study; inventory value; location; designing warehouse layout; flow of materials; stockyard layout; loading/unloading docks; designing the building
    Warehouse Management: controlling stock; records & reports; stocktaking; audits; warehouse operations or storage manual; managing warehouse personnel; performance evaluation.

    Lean Goals and strategies
    Origins of Lean thinking
    5 principles
    Lean Game
    Continuous Improvement Approach, Deming’s Cycle
    Value Stream Mapping procedure
    Current State
    Future state map
    Action Plan
    Swim Lane
    Standardization process (TWI)

    Lean Management for industries and services
    Problem Solving
    PDCA Cycle
    Standardization process (TWI).

  • Teaching methods

    The program features 48 hours of lectures and 40 hours of practical didactic activities, inclusive of company visits and project works. Activities are scheduled from Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.
    The didactic methodology is of an active type, oriented to an effective involvement of participants, who are engaged in practical activities, teamwork, discussion of business cases, simulations and exercises, in order to effectively transmit and practice what have been learnt day by day.

  • Fee and scholarships

    The tuition fee is € 6,100.00 + 22% VAT.

    Tuition fee with scholarship awarded: € 2,300.00 + 22% VAT
    Award criteria: first come first served basis
    Number of scholarship available: 15
    Deadline for application: 2025, June 23th.


  • Contacts

    International Projects staff
    Phone number: 0444 333860
    E-mail address:

Request information

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