Executive Courses

Executive Courses

  • Start/End date

    09.05.2025 - 19.07.2025

  • Duration

    7 weekends

  • Recipients

    Managers and professionals

  • Language


Based on international standards, the executive course in Project Management deals with all aspects of Project Management in an operational key, with methodological rigor, allowing you to set, understand and control the progress of projects, creating in the company that decisive "project culture" and sharing practices. The role of the Project Manager, in fact, is fundamental for the success of the project / order and is increasingly a figure that combines the operational management of the project with the achievement of business results. For companies that offer projects to the market, the organization of projects and the role of the Project Manager are increasingly necessary conditions required by the customer.

Technical competence is necessary, but not sufficient. Increasingly, the competitive differential shifts to the project management component (stakeholders, teams, communication, risks, times, costs ...) and the ability to integrate projects into a project portfolio (PPM Project Portfolio Management).

In addition to  a competitive value for the company, Project Management is also increasingly a managerial skill in the various functional areas: the company as a set of projects (of various types and sizes) and the Project Managers (full part-time in what roles they hold in corporate functions) as the "entrepreneurs" of these projects. An important function in the organization of projects is the Project Management Office (PMO): guarantor and facilitator of project management processes and supervisor of the project portfolio.

CUOA Business School's Jobleader Project Management pathway prepares the PMI (PMP® and CAPM®), UNI 11648 and ISIPM (ISIPM-Base® and ISIPM-AV®) certifications in Project Management. The course team is available for further information.

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