Company Controller
Language: Italian
09.05.2025 - 08.07.2025
43 hours
Managers and professionals
It becomes increasingly important for those working in functions other than administration to acquire greater awareness of the economic-financial logics of a company, even in the light of the economic situation currently experienced by companies. Greater understanding of the logics and effects of the different management choices, or moreover, an ability to read the most significant financial statements can help to make more balanced choices, while avoiding financial tensions. Widespread knowledge of economic-financial principles also encourages discussion and dialogue within a company, with both Management and with administrative, financial and accounting officers.
The course is for five full days and two half days.
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
6 days
Language: Italian
Brand Ambassador of Made in Italy
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: English - Summer Program
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
5 days
Language: Italian
Language: Italian
Language: Italian