


Part-time Executive MBA

  • Start/End date

    16.10.2025 - 26.06.2027

  • Duration

    20 months - 44 weekends

  • Recipients

    Managers and professionals

  • Language


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most important management training program, recognised at an international level.
CUOA’s part-time Executive MBA is the result of CUOA’s 65 years of experience in the development and realisation of master’s programs in general management.

It provides an integrated and strategic vision of business management, develops solid management skills and provides organisational tools for immediate use to deal with the current competitive environment. The master’s program explores all the main business areas in a systematic and integrated manner, helping to acquire a broad and modern view of business.

The part-time Executive MBA also focuses on soft skills with the aim of promoting personal growth and achieving high professional performances.
It is essential today, even for those who have significant professional experience, to continue to improve their organisational and relational skills, to enhance their work efficiency and develop better self-awareness.

The part-time Executive MBA is for managers and professionals with significant professional experience who hold positions of responsibility within a company.
It is also for companies wishing to invest in the high qualification of their key resources, with the aim of forming leaders who have the necessary skills to successfully and effectively address and manage organisational changes and seize new business opportunities.
The Executive MBA degree is an important milestone for those who want to invest in their career and give new stimuli to their professional work, to advance in their role and improve their economic position.
The part-time alternate weekend formula allows balancing study with work and personal commitments.

Elena Celsan, tel. +39 0444 333712
Alessia Buzzi, tel. +39 333745
Sandra Puicher Soravia, tel. +39 0444 333763


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