Online                                    course

Online course

Corsi Executive Corsi Executive

Certificate in Impactful Leadership & Strategic Thinking

€160,00 +IVA
  • Data Inizio/Fine

    27.09.2024 - 11.10.2024

  • Durata

    3 online sessions of 4 hours each

  • Destinatari

    Managers, professionals, entrepreneurs

  • Lingua


Friday September 27th 2024, h. 15:00 – 19:00
Friday October 4th 2024, h. 15:00 – 19:00
Friday October 11th 2024, h. 15:00 – 19:00

Schulich ExecEd and CUOA Business School are proud to offer the joint Certificate in Fostering Impactful Leadership and Strategic Thinking program.

This unique three-day online program part of the International Scholarship Program offers a comprehensive exploration of essential leadership skills, intercultural management strategies, and decision-making techniques. 
Whether you are a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this program provides practical tools and insights to excel in today’s dynamic global landscape

  • Obiettivi

    Aim of the program is to discover or rediscover your leadership skills, confidence as a manager and feel empowered in making the next great set of business decisions with an intercultural perspective.

  • Programma

    Day 1: The Anatomy of a Leader
    Lead by: Schulich ExecEd
    Participants will begin the program by identifying what it means to be a leader in a post-covid environment, and what it means to be a leader and reflect on their current leadership style, challenges, and triumphs. With an enhanced sense of self-awareness, in the second half of the session leaders will focus on effective managerial processes, and communication skills for leading collaboratively, and fostering a healthy work culture.

    Day 2: Intercultural Management

    Lead by: CUOA Business School
    Participants will dive into the intricacies of Intercultural Management. Intercultural Management is more than leading people across cultures, it includes unique communication, emotional intelligence, and business acumen for effectively working collaboratively across teams. In this module, participants will use a different perspective to home in on the skills for successful communication with colleagues, business partners and teams everywhere.

    Day 3: Making Great Business Decisions

    Lead by: Schulich ExecEd
    Participants will learn the complexities that are part of the decision-making process. Participants will look at every aspect of decision making from identifying the goal/ask to identifying risk and measuring outcomes. Participants will use tools and outlines as well as role-play scenarios to practice effective decision-making with the support of their peers and instructor.

  • Faculty

    JP Gedeon
    JP Gedeon is a nationally recognized, published expert in leadership, leadership psychology, corporate transformation and cultural change. Over the past 20 years, he has held executive level positions in the private, public, academic and association sectors, having developed many of the mainline education and credentialing programs available in the sector today. JP is a highly regarded trainer and consultant, with a wealth of municipal experience.

    Kristina Riis
    Kristina has over 20 years working in business transformation. She is known for being able to take any strategic idea and turn it into operational reality through a mix of careful design and planning. An expert in navigating the tricky human dynamics that get in the way of delivering results. Working with senior leadership teams at the intersection of strategic value-creation, transformation delivery, and culture. Experienced in demanding environments that are experiencing the complexities of scaling, integration, and growth.

    Yadvinder S. Rana
    Yadvinder holds a Doctorate in Business Administration in Cross-Border M&A negotiations from the Edinburgh Business School, an MBA from the Manchester Business School, and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering.
    He is an Adjunct Professor of Cross-Cultural Negotiation at the Catholic University in Milan, and at the Bologna Business School, and delivers negotiation workshops in companies and leading International and Italian Universities and Business Schools such as CUOA Business School.
    He gained a significant international experience between 2004 and 2010 as Africa, Asia & Pacific Sales Director for a global company leader in the luxury goods sector, managing commercial and marketing organizations in China and India, and establishing the company presence in China, India, Japan, S. Korea, Southeast Asia, Middle East. Previously, between 1997 and 2003, he worked for Fiat Group in Pennsylvania – USA, London – UK, and Lyon – France leading cross-functional teams implementing post-M&A integration strategies Xand New Holland, Iveco and Renault V.I., Fiat-GM JV).

  • Metodologie didattiche

    Participants will engage in interactive workshops, case studies, tools, and techniques.

  • Webinar di presentazione

    Giovedì 11 Luglio 2024 alle ore 18.00 

    Sei interessato e vuoi saperne di più? Unisciti a noi e al Team di Schulich ExecEd per il Webinar di lancio di questo Certificato!

    Parleremo dei contenuti e degli obiettivi di apprendimento del Programma e risponderemo a tutte le tue domande.

    Clicca qui per iscriverti.

  • Costi e agevolazioni

    The current program edition runs within the International Scholarship Program, sponsored by Schullch ExecEd and CUOA Business School and it’s reserved to CUOA Business School Alumni.

    Participants are required to contribute to the following Administrative Fee

    - 160 Euros (€)+ VAT per participant

  • Modalità di iscrizione e pagamento

    Click on “ACQUISTA" to proceed with the enrolment.

    After registration, participants will be asked to complete Schulich ExecEd Leadership Assessment and fill the Participant profile allowing Schulich ExecEd to manage their personal details for educational purposes within and during the course.

  • Contatti

    Mirca Toniolo, tel.  0444 333749

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