
International Programs at CUOA Business School

Summer Edition
2023, 10th - 27th July

Learn in-depth, expand your network, and have fun!

Four different programs available

International Management & Leadership 
Business Strategy & Marketing Management
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Operation, Logistics & Lean Management

3 intensive weeks, people from all over the world, company visits, project work activities, optional guided visits to the World Trade Organization and the United Nations in Geneva and to the fashion district in Milan.


International Management & Leadership

Three intensive weeks to develop a very practical look at the challenges today’s globally mobile leaders face, from both a rational and emotional perspective.
The activities using cases, simulations, video documentaries and dramatisations will provoke reflection on what responses are needed to be a leader in today’s global operating context.
Additionally, participants will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capacities.
Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on international management and leadership tools, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.

Business Strategy & Marketing Management

Three intensive weeks to develop a very practical look at the best practices to strength the brand image in consumers’ minds and to reflect upon the usage of emerging models to design new marketing strategies to be developed in different industries. Top international brands reach authentic, iconic and global status thanks to strategic, long-term product, brand and customer management decisions. Participants will experience how to use marketing and branding to build strong and enduring businesses and gain new insight into the importance and value of a strongly differentiated brand. This knowledge and skills can be immediately applied to leverage your brand for increased customer loyalty, competitive advantage and profitability. Strong brand examples from USA, Asia and Europe will be presented in order to provide an international perspective.
Participants will be provided with up-to-date tools for analysing a firm’s competitive environment, and for managing different types of industry settings on a cross-cultural approach to the markets, looking for new tools that should be used in the present internationalization. Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on business strategies and marketing management, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.

Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Three intensive weeks to develop a very practical look at the main aspects related to entrepreneurship and the strategic development of a company and its business model, presenting Italian and International cases.The role of creativity and innovation in defining the strategy is nowadays crucial to stand out and face the competition. To get a general understanding of the different aspects of innovation, theories and basic methods in managing innovation will allow participants to be able to better manage projects of innovation. Furthermore, understanding the upcoming innovative trends in different scenarios, knowing the right creative technique for several different situations, will implement the abilities of participants to select the idea to develop from a lot of ideas. Participants will experience hands on the use of several innovation and creativity’s techniques and business model, furthermore they will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capacities.
Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on creativity and innovation management and business models, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.

Operation, Logistics & Lean Management

Three intensive weeks to develop a very practical look at how effective (re-)design and efficient operations of logistics & supply chain management processes deal with the globalisation of sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution activities. The ability to maintain a smooth, constant and efficient flow of goods and services to industry and society provides a significant challenge in terms of processes, organisation and cost. These issues amongst many others are analysed in the course, with case studies, simulations, and multi-media learning materials providing a rich, relevant and practical experience with real-world application. Students will be acquainted with problem solving techniques following the PDCA cycle and A3 format, and will experience managing and coaching situations.
Participants will be provided with the most important lean tools that are used to create flow. Office and service environment will be evaluated and different mapping tools will be introduced. Additionally, participants will be involved in a teamwork related to the subjects taught in class, with the supervision of CUOA’s faculty, in order to be fully involved and to increment their creativity and decision making capacities.
Company visits to internationally successful Italian companies will enrich the competencies of the participants on operation, logistics and lean management, offering the opportunity to integrate different points of view with a practical prospective from the business world.

Villa Valmarana Morosini and accommodation facilities

CUOA Business School is situated in the Villa Valmarana Morosini, a magnificent 18th century building in Altavilla Vicentina, in the outskirts of Vicenza.

The villa was designed by the architect Francesco Muttoni (Palladian style) and is equipped with all the
facilities necessary to carry out cultural and academic activities: a 250-seat conference room for meetings and conventions, classrooms, study rooms, computer labs, a library and Wi-Fi internet connection.

Next to the central part of the villa, the Hotel Valmarana Morosini is the natural completion of a modern
business school. This residential area occupies the former haylofts and cottages flanking the central part of the villa and features more than 50 rooms with private bathroom and other boarding options.

Fondazione CUOA is housed in a historic villa. For any problems related to the presence of architectural barriers and for further information about the Hotel Valmarana Morosini,
please contact the International ProjectsTeam, tel. +39 0444 333705, email

Further accommodation opportunities are available in other rented facilities and private houses conveniently located near CUOA Business School.


International Project staff
Phone number: 0444 333744
E-mail address:
Skype contact:


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